Cultivator’s Corner
A Journey of Awakening: the 20th Anniversary Ceremony of Pu Guang Meditation Center

A Journey of Awakening: the 20th Anniversary Ceremony of Pu Guang Meditation Center

Clarence Wong (Chuan Dui), Pu Guang Meditation Center

After enduring three and a half years of the COVID pandemic and social distancing, Pu Guang Meditation Center is steadily resuming its activities. On April 21st, 2024, the center celebrated the 20th anniversary of its establishment in Hong Kong. In commemoration of this auspicious occasion, we were honored to have Venerable Abbot Jianying officiate the Dharma ceremony and celebration.

The ceremony, which was attended by over 1,000 people, was a profound voyage into the very heart of my meditation practice. One of its highlights was the Dharma talk given by Abbot Jianying, who shed light on the importance of meditation practice, both individually and with a group. Grand Master Weichueh left us three cardinal teachings to support our practice, namely, the Three Links of Cultivation, the Four Tenets of Chung Tai, and the Five Approaches for Sharing the Dharma.

The powerful Dharma talk alongside the sanctity of the ceremony kindled an instant sense of introspection, reinforcing and strengthening my faith in the importance of self-awareness as a conduit for greater compassion. Throughout my immersion in the Buddhist teachings during meditation classes, and ceremonies and activities at the center, it has become evident to me that understanding and nurturing my intrinsic light is integral to extending the light of compassion and guidance to others.

The ceremony has effectively sown the seeds of wisdom and altruism in me, urging me to embrace a path of continuous self-enlightenment and unwavering support for others. This prompted my decision to make a bodhisattva vow, which emerged naturally from the revelations I gained from this ceremony. It also encouraged me to embody the principles of compassion and wisdom in every aspect of life.

What’s more, my faith and vow were reinforced by the speech Abbot Jianying made at the dinner reception. He mentioned, “universally shine the light of self-nature and extensively liberate sentient beings,” as inspiration and encouragement for all the cultivators there.

To me, this phrase sums up the dual aspects of our meditation practice, namely, personal enlightenment and universal compassion. The ceremony, with its emphasis on both our individual practice and collective well-being, definitely proved this by highlighting the significance of illuminating our own mind through diligent and endless mindfulness practice and using this illumination to guide and benefit others.

Various Buddhist scriptures refer to this “light of self-nature” as the inherent enlightenment within each individual. Our inner light, when kindled, dispels the darkness of ignorance and delusion. The ceremony was a process of kindling this inner light and guiding each of us towards inherent enlightenment.

The concept of “extensively liberating sentient beings” calls for a compassionate bodhisattva vow to aid all sentient beings in their path towards enlightenment. This emphasizes the altruistic intention to guide and help all sentient beings cross over the sea of suffering to reach the other shore. This reflects the relationship between a bodhisattva vow and the ultimate goal of Chan meditation—to awaken oneself and assist others to awaken as well.

As to my understanding of the mind-ground, the ceremony demonstrated the relationship between mindfulness and the inherent light of the mind. Through disciplined practice of meditation, I have realized how my mind-ground is often obscured by ignorance and afflictions. I realized that illuminating my self-nature is actually a call to action, urging me to nurture and express my mind-ground’s inner light through mindful living.

All in all, my experience at this ceremony was a transformative stage in my cultivation. It has encouraged me to deepen my commitment, inspired me to make a bodhisattva vow, and enriched my understanding of the mind-ground. The ceremony further served as a beacon, which guided me towards the shore of inner peace and harmony. I hope that I will eternally stand by my vows in every moment of mindfulness, each act of compassion, and strive to embody the principle of “universally shining the light of self-nature and extensively liberating sentient beings,” while illuminating my path and extending its light to others.

A Journey of Awakening: the 20th Anniversary Ceremony of Pu Guang Meditation Center