Cultivator’s Corner
Fifteen Years of Growth & Gratitude

Fifteen Years of Growth & Gratitude

Fajing (Kelly Romanella), Bao Lin Chan Monastery

The 15th anniversary of Bao Lin was not just a milestone; it was a testament to the dedication and hard work of so many volunteers guided by the wisdom of our Australian shifus. Over several months, their tireless efforts culminated in a weekend that was not only colourful and inspiring but truly unforgettable.

One of the greatest honours of the anniversary was the presence of nine Shifus from Taiwan. Their participation added even more depth to the event, enriching the experience for everyone involved. Despite language barriers, the quality of English translations ensured that all attendees, regardless of their native language, could fully grasp the teachings shared by Venerable Abbot Jian Ying during his dharma talk.

Moreover, we were blessed with perfect weather throughout the weekend, a stroke of luck that seemed almost too good to be true at this time of year in Melbourne. The clear skies served as a fitting backdrop for the Abbot's inspiring words, which resonated deeply with all who were present.

For me, the highlight of the anniversary was the Sunday question and answer session with the Abbot, specifically tailored for English-speaking students. During this session, the Abbot delved into profound concepts such as the essence of Buddhism and impermanence. His explanation of "No man ever steps into the same river twice" struck a chord with me in particular. This ancient saying beautifully illustrates the Buddhist principle of change and the impermanent nature of existence. Just as the water in a river is constantly flowing and changing, so too is life. Nothing remains static; everything is in a perpetual state of flux.

The Abbot's insights went even further, emphasizing the idea that Buddhism can help us de-condition the language, culture, and terms that we have created or have been created for us. By letting go of these constructs, we can participate in life in a more liberated and authentic manner. Buddhism teaches us to embrace impermanence and let go of attachments, allowing us to navigate life's ever-changing currents with grace and equanimity.

Overall, the 15th anniversary of Bao Lin was a profound and transformative experience. It was a celebration of community, wisdom, and the enduring teachings of Buddhism. As we reflect on this milestone, we are reminded of the invaluable lessons learned and the profound impact that our practice can have on our lives and the world around us.