台 山 月 刊 283 期 |
红尘清泉 |
美国佛门寺半日禅修活动文/美国佛门寺提供 ![]() 随着疫情趋缓,佛门寺恢复实体禅修活动,于一百一十二年七月九日上午,举办半日禅修,学员秉持欢喜感恩之心,齐聚一堂,万缘放下,精进用功。 禅修活动期间,全程禁语摄心。学员报到后,复习基本行仪、恭诵《心经》,于三支香当中,坐香、行慢香,体会「行亦禅、坐亦禅」,练习处处随顺觉性,时时坚住正念。住持法师于静坐中开示「客尘主空」的道理,勉励学员老实观照自己的念头,作自己觉性的主人,不被尘劳妄想所覆,才是真正的自在。 学员们体会到禅修的殊胜利益,期许能将此体验落实于日常生活中,并将这份法喜分享给更多的有缘大众。 法会心得 护法会会长╱传洵 在庄严清净的禅堂里,心沉静了许多,师父开示「客尘主空」的道理,我体会到这念心能作主不动、清楚明白,就能见性,禅修定心是很重要的修行功课。 半日禅时间非常短,心才稍沉淀些就已结束,但也是忙碌现代人最佳禅修入门。期许自己要把握每一支香的因缘,落实解行并重。 护法会副会长╱传惇 In the Abbess’ Dharma talk, I heard the dust and air analogy, which made me aware that I live with a myriad of delusions every day. Only through my practice and meditation will I begin to work to identify and eradicate them. This realization brought me a sense of liberation and calm that is still with me. I am reminded of the importance of meditation retreats. Without them and the guidance they afford I become stuck in my practice, with them I come away with a deeper understanding that helps me move my practice forward and for this I am truly grateful. (住持法师开示「客尘主空」的譬喻,使我意识到,自己每天都活在无数尘劳妄想之中。唯有透过修行和静坐,才能觉察和去除妄境。这个体悟带给我一种解脱和平静,至今仍在我心中持续着。这也再度提醒了我禅修的重要性,有善知识引导,禅修才能有较深刻的体会,使我修行有所进步,对此我深深感恩。) 研经禅修班学员╱传谙 I am sometimes easily swept away by unproductive thinking patterns in daily life, and the Half Day Retreat is a wonderful opportunity to tap into the Pure Awareness again, even if only briefly. The experiential reference point is highly beneficial in motivating us to confront challenges with a more realistic perspective and embrace the practices of the Bodhisattva path. It is an honor to practice at a Chan School which follows the ways of such an excellent lineage of teachers. (有时我会困在徒劳的妄想模式中,半日禅正是让我重新找到自己清净心的绝佳机会。即使时间很短暂,半日禅的体验鼓励我以佛法的真理面对挑战,并落实菩萨行。能够在有大善知识,并且遵循禅门宗风的道场修行,我感到非常荣幸。) 研经禅修班学员╱法胜 I am very grateful that Buddha Gate is once offering in-person, half-day retreats. The retreats give me a special time and place to practice my meditation without interruption from my normal life. It can be challenging to meditate daily at home, and the retreats give me a chance to renew my commitment to my practice. (我非常感恩佛门寺重启,再次举办实体半日禅修活动,让我可以在不受干扰的情况下专注用功。在家自己打坐实在不容易专注。在道场共修,重拾我精进修行的愿心。)