主七大和尚 释见颖 公元2025年1月30日
晨钟暮鼓声幽远 白梅红樱暖春寒
缘生缘灭性本空 非动非静心自安
坚住正念定慧香 随顺觉性如是然
莫道红尘皆束缚 自在花开春满园
日用无心不住相 随处性净皆故乡
Chung Tai Chan Monastery
2025 Chan-Seven Spring Retreat for the Public
Initiation Verse
Retreat Master Venerable Jianying, January 30th, 2025
Morning bells and evening drums echo deep and far,
White plum and red cherry blossoms warm the spring's chill.
Arising and ceasing, conditioned things are empty in nature,
Beyond motion and stillness, the mind naturally rests in peace.
Abide firmly in right mindfulness, the fragrance of samadhi and wisdom permeates,
Follow the nature of awareness, everything unfolds just as it is.
Say not that all in samsara are enfettered,
When effortless freedom blooms, its scent fills the garden.
Good cultivators, for this Chan-Seven Initiation, how does the last verse go?
Each day, use the mind of no-mind to transcend all appearances,
Wherever our nature remains pure, home is everywhere we go.